Gift Cards Now Available to Your Customers

So giftcards are here, good humans! : -) (Click the image to see it full screen)


So quick notes:

  • It’s available now, you just need to grab the code from your “settings” section just like you grabbed the code for the booking form.
  • Right now it comes as-is. But version 2 (which will be out soon) will allow you to update the image on the giftcard.

How it works:

  1. Client fills out the form, fills out the text and, buys the giftcard.
  2. Client receives receipt.
  3. Recipient receives giftcard with the giftcard image and instructions on how to redeem (you can customize the email text)
  4. Recipient goes on site, inputs the giftcard code as they make their booking to get the benefit of the giftcard
  5. If they do not use the entire amount, any balance is stored on the card (they can see their balance in their profile) and you can see the balance as well in the application.

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