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The Launch27 blog provides valuable content for maids, house cleaners, and housekeeping businesses – allowing them to win more customers while saving money.

How to Protect your Cleaning Business During Cold and Flu Season?
Strategic scheduling can minimize the need to cancel appointments if a cleaner is out sick. Cold and flu season is upon us. Every kid is bound to pick up the sniffles at school or daycare—and pass it to their parents. Workers in every industry are calling out sick,...

How to Get More Cleaning Company Bookings with Facebook?
With the right strategy, social media can be an excellent lead generator for cleaning company bookings. Popular social media platform Facebook turned 18 this year and has 2.91 billion active monthly users. Of course, not all 2.91 billion of those people can be...

How to Convert Onetime Cleans into Recurring Appointments?
Repeat business is great for the stability and future of your cleaning company. Here’s how to convert one time cleanings. Onetime buyers can be frustrating for service industry business owners. There’s nothing lucrative about a customer who books just one massage, one...

Four Cleaning Company Call Tracking Software Options
Read what active Launch27 users and cleaning company owners say about these popular call tracking tools. Successful cleaning companies and small businesses usually rely on a suite of tools to manage the day-to-day. One such tool is call tracking. Call tracking...

How to Prepare For Your Cleaning Business Holiday Season?
Borrow your strategy from the retail industry: Start getting your cleaning business ready for the holidays now! As a cleaning company owner, you have a lot of responsibilities. So finding time for extra tasks, like special marketing campaigns, can be tricky. And once...

The Power and Versatility of A House Cleaning Checklist
A house cleaning checklist is a promotional tool for your cleaning company, an accountability tool, and a functional document—all in one. Pop quiz: What’s the best—and most basic—tool you can create for your cleaning company? Answer: A formal cleaning checklist. The...

Three Trending Cleaning Company Technologies You can Learn From
Can your cleaning company learn from… exoskeletons? There are major differences between commercial and residential cleaning services. And while many commercial cleaning company technologies may not be relevant to your cleaning business, it’s worth keeping an eye on...

Three Power-Boosting Cleaning Company Website Strategies
A few small, easy changes can make your cleaning company’s website much more powerful. It’s no secret that the world runs on the internet these days. And as website builders get more and more clever, it’s easy to be intimidated by all the options. There are so many...

Delegation: The Real Secret To Growing Your Cleaning Business
Trusting others to take responsibilities off your plate is vital to growing your cleaning business and taking it to the next level. In the early days of owning a business, you may feel perfectly capable of running the show on your own. This can remain true for several...

A How To Guide for Dealing With Difficult Maid Service Customers.
There are times when you’ll encounter a maid service customer who seems impossible to work with. Here’s a three-phase approach when you’re at your wit’s end. If your customer is constantly complaining about your house cleaning services and causing other problems such...